Friday, July 4, 2014

Getting Started

I would like to open today's blog with a salute to the men and woman that have and will defend our country. Happy Birthday America and Happy 4th of July to my wonderful readers. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read what I have written.

Starting something new usually means both feet forward full jump right into the unknown. That is exactly how it was for me . The list of different kinds of Disney items is endless and growing as we speak. Not just because Disney is constantly making a new toy or item we just have to have but also, there purchases that blow our minds like Star Wars and Marvel .

In the beginning my interests were mostly Walt Disney Production items. I have never been after any
specific characters. To me I was collecting history. That was until I decided that history was not just in the past but in the present to. How could I open up a Disney Museum and only have stuff from a specific set of dates.

When I started I didn't think about all the knowledge needed for collecting such a item. So many things come into play with a vast idea such as Disney items in particular. There has been at least 10 different copyrights for Disney alone. From the 1930's when Walt used his name as his copyright to today when it is simply ©Disney. As you may already know, while collecting stuff items are broke off into time lengths . Vintage is around 20 to 50 years old depending on who you talk to . Antique is a item that is 100 or more years old and unaltered.

The copyrights as stated in "Official Price Guide To MICKEY MOUSE COLLECTIBLES" are:
1930 - 32 ©Walter Disney, ©Walter E. Disney , ©W.E Disney
1932- 9/30/38 ©W.D.E, ©Walt Disney Ent. , ©Walt Disney Enterprises
9/30/38 - 2/6/86 ©WDP , ©Walt Disney Productions
2/6/86 - Today ©The Walt Disney Company, ©Walt Disney Co. , ©Disney

Date, condition, make, release number etc . all play a factor on the worth of a collectible. It is always a
good idea to purchase a price guide to look up the items you are interested in. My go to book is "Official Price Guide To MICKEY MOUSE COLLECTIBLES". I am in the market to purchase a Disney based book also. These books will also give you a idea of just how many different kinds of collectibles there are also .

Choosing what you want to collect can be half the fun. Some of the things you will see in my collection are Toys, Art, Movies, literature, Snow globes, Cookie Jars, Salt and Pepper Shakers, Watches, Clocks, Banks, Statues , Board Games, Records, and so much more. Some people collect by the brands such as the Disney Precious moments , Jim Shores , or WDCC (Walt Disney Classic Collection) sets. This is your time to choose, what direction you want to go. What are you going to collect or do you already collect something? Please feel free to share , or ask questions in the comments!

One of my favorite sets when I first started out was my Gund puppet collection. These are cute hand puppets  created by Adolph Gund in 1898.
He sold the company to his successor who apprenticed for him in 1925.  According to Squidoo there are at least 70 different Disney Gun puppets.

Source: Ebay, Wikipedia, "Official Price Guide To MICKEY MOUSE COLLECTIBLES", and Squidoo.

I hope to interview people throughout my blog to give new collectors other points of view besides my own. If you are interested in sharing your collection you can email me at

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